Oversize Pizza Club is a pizzeria located in the old factory of printing equipment in St. Petersburg, Russia. The goal was to create the atmosphere of a working club, where workers come after a hard day to relax with friends while drinking a glass of beer and sharing a slice of pizza (by the way, the slices of pizza in the cafe are huge — 65 cm, it's almost impossible for one person to eat it) All furniture (tables, chairs, lighting, sinks etc) was created especially for the pizzeria.

The menu, "7th cup for free" and certificate for the small cafe in Vladivostok, Russia. We use puncher holes as a symbol of "Point" in the title of the cafe.

Here is a fresh update of P.Y.E Optics identity from 2018. Business cards, client cards, stickers, microfiber cloths, flags for store opening etc. Happy to be a part of amazing P.Y.E family, who always encourages us to do whatever we want to do in design.

Store interior for P.Y.E Optics. The task was to upgrade the project which was made 6 years ago in Moscow / FLACON design factory.
Production: Klim Bogdanov
Photoshooting: Narodizkiy Aleksey

New PYE optic store is based on the territory of a former baking factory, which fully operated from 1934 to 2015. The factory is a classic example of constructivism style, and the main goal was to maintain the style in the new interior. Floor, color palette of the store (which refers to Soviet Union sanatoriums), monumental beige panels with a clock and the shape of lamps – everything is a gentle reminder of Soviet era.
The «insides» of the store were made specifically for the store itself: the furniture and even small accessories. We’ve contributed with many different manufacturers to get customized mirrors, flower pots, decorative metal elements, tables, eyewear shelves: basically, the whole store is filled with one-of-a-kind pieces. A decorative handrail became one of the most difficult element to produce: we had to cooperate with three different manufacturers to make it. The main part of the interior – orange ceiling lamps with a 2,8 meters diameter – also was customized. All in all, it took eight months to engineer and build the store, but it allowed us to make it uncompromising.