The project is a pop-up installation in the main hall of the Moscow's Tretyakov State Gallery during the Museum Night. It is a trib­ute to the museums collection of Moscow’s XX cen­tury avant-garde art, which in­cluded the legacy of artists such as A. Rod­chenko, V. Tatlin, K. Male­vich, V. Kandin­sky, E. Lis­sitzky and more. The in­stal­la­tion took place in the main hall of the Moscow’s Tretyakov State Gallery that stores the fun­da­men­tal her­itage of the Russ­ian avant-garde epoch.
We de­vel­oped a pop-up space that in­cluded a li­brary, cafe zone and sou­venir shop, aim­ing to com­bine func­tional and util­i­tar­ian de­sign that would aes­thet­i­cally re­fer to the afore­men­tioned in­flu­en­tial pe­riod of Russ­ian art..

Com­ple­tion date: May, 2013
Client: The July 16
Lo­ca­tion: Tretyakov Gallery at Krym­sky Val. Moscow, Rus­sia
Architecture, exhibition design: Aleksei Galkin, Maxim Scherbakov
Graphics, navigation: Egor Kraft